Today we all brought in some cards to help visualize the game. We also got down to work finalizing some more details of the game.
We needed to decide on the names / types of territories, so we brainstormed a bit on the names. We came up with a nice list, such as a convenience store called 8/12 and a liquor store called Amy's Wine House. Next we began deciding how much money each would cost.
The professor gave us the cool idea that territories should have risk levels, and higher risk places would have a higher pay-off when selling drugs. We talked about this a bit and are still a little undecided about if / how we will implement this into our game.
Lastly, we talked about different ways of dealing the Event Cards. Currently we had said that an event card would just be flipped over every round, but that didn't leave much room for strategy. Now we are looking at a version where one player sifts off the top 5 Event cards and picks the one to play for the round. Each round the card picker shifts to the left. We also thought a little bit about having the card picker start with the player to the right of the player who goes first, and then continues to shift to the right. This will somewhat alleviate the advantage of going first.
We picked who would make what cards so we can begin play-testing next week.
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